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What Is Meant By A Driver Responsibility System (Points System)?
Drivers in each state have their own set of rules. Texas uses the Driver Responsibility Program (also known as The Points System) to keep track of driver records and instill safe driving habits among its citizens. You can find a description of the system here, along with its impact on Texas drivers and how it works.
Getting To Know The Driver Responsibility System
Drivers who get fined in Texas for driving fast/slow will earn points on their driving record. In certain circles, this program is also known as the Points System. Points are earned for each citation a motorist receives. Points are also given to motorists who are found at fault for an accident. Different types of citations earn different amounts of points. The points given for an accident depend on its severity.
Exploring The Causes
Because of technological advancements, distracted driving is now one of the leading causes of car accidents. We rely on other drivers and ourselves to keep us safe when we’re behind the wheel. All drivers are responsible for driving safely and in the best interest of others. People who are distracted by mobile phones are more likely than others to cause an accident.
Distracted Driving can lead to serious car accidents with injuries in many situations. These are some of the possible outcomes:
Spine injuries
Bone fractures
Trauma to the brain
There are two options: death or disability.
What can be the legal implications of driving carelessly?
You will be penalized for two moving violations and three points if you are involved in a crash. This conviction will remain on your driving record for three years, which could impact your future insurance premiums.
Your license could be suspended if you accumulate an excessive amount of points. Your license could also be suspended if convicted of more than four moving offenses in one calendar year. If you have seven or more moving offenses in two years, a similar outcome will happen. You may also be subject to suspension for driving under the influence or driving without insurance.
What are surcharges? How do they work?
The surcharge is an additional penalty that you pay besides the normal penalties and court costs. The amounts are updated each year. Surcharges will be applied to Texas drivers who have more than six points on their driving records or have been arrested for driving under the influence. The severity of the offense determines the amount you will have to pay. If you fail to make payment arrangements or pay all surcharges within 105 days after being notified about your impending suspension, you will lose your driving privileges. Each of these surcharges is sent to the Texas Controller of Public Accounts. He then distributes 99 percent to both the Texas General Revenue Fund and the trauma center. The Department of Public Safety (DPS) receives the remaining 1%.
Two programs can help with surcharges: the Incentive Program and the Indigency Program. The Indigency Program will waive any surcharges if an income exceeds or falls below 125 percent of federal poverty standards. The Incentive Program reduces surcharges for people earning between 125 and 300% of federal poverty standards.
The Takeaway Thoughts:
It is important to understand the laws and the possible consequences if you find yourself in such a situation. A Texas attorney can help you. You may be able to take a Texas Defensive Driving Course, and the charges against you will be dropped.